Saturday, May 9, 2009

sometimes life feels just like rain

Been an interesting week.

I woke up today and thought it was still a weekday. Think it took me a good five minutes to figure out that it was Saturday and that's why I had my alarm set as late as it was to get up and go to work at the mall. I think all this would have been made much simpler if I didn't have to go to work at the mall and therefore wouldn't've had an alarm set at all. I could have just woken up at ten to seven, as I did, roll over and promptly go back to sleep for a few more hours. THAT would have made for a good Saturday.

Had softball on Thursday night. Hit fairly well. Fielded the ball like poo. But was able, via a reminder from one of the other guys on the team, to remember that it is just a game and to just have fun out there. Also decided to slide while attempting to catch a foul ball and drew the first blood of the year. Always nice to get that first one out of the way. Makes it that much easier to just slide after that and not worry about how much it's gonna hurt.

I finished reading The Road by Cormac McCarthy last Sunday. Good book. Guess "they" are making a movie of it. Don't really know how that's going to go...but it should be interesting. Could be a pretty powerful picture if it's done well. The book is by the same guy who wrote No Country for Old Men. Haven't read/seen that yet, but it seems like that turned out pretty well...

Just heard today that our landlord is lowering our rent! Which is pretty much totally freaking awesome! Who does that?! Going to be NICE to have that "extra" money!

"the clock on the wall has been stuck at three for days and days"

Wish it wasn't already bed time...sure could use a walk right about now.

Happy Mother's Day. Sure am thankful for my mom. Going to make sure to get an extra hug tomorrow...(she'll think I'm just trying to be nice cause it's Mother's Day, but I just really need an extra hug or two. shhhh!)

music: "Rain On A Tin Roof" -- Julie Roberts

Saturday, May 2, 2009

when i went home

I think Animaniacs is perhaps one of the greatest shows of all time. Definitely amongst the realm of cartoons composed mostly of singing and just utter reigns supreme.

Also, Baseball Tonight is love. It should be on year-round. There are NFL shows on in the middle of summer, why not MLB shows on in the middle of winter? Only seems logical in this age of "fairness". Wouldn't want to hurt baseball's feelings or anything. Might feel insignificant and unimportant. Surprised Obama hasn't mandated anything giving baseball equal airtime to football. Although...if you do count all the airtime the games is waaayyyyyy ahead of any other sport. Still, a little more baseball coverage in the winter wouldn't be a bad thing. And really all this started out as was me wanting to say I enjoy watching Baseball Tonight. So maybe I should just leave it there.

So maybe I will.

Perhaps having an entire evening and a little bit of the afternoon to just crash on the couch and try to catch up on relaxing is more than I can handle at this point. Kind of like a starving person not being able to eat too much right at first cause their stomach has shrunk so much.

Or something like that.

music: "Holy Water" -- Big & Rich